yes this is not a photo shopped picture they do exist. I am a fan of Crocs but cruggs are taking the concept too far for me. Don't get me wrong get them if you can work them.
Nixon part time bowler full-time crook is also my favorite president. Lucky me the Frost/Nixon interview is going to be a motion picture and the original interview is being released on dvd this holiday season.
Director Ron Howard with a cast including smooth Kevin Bacon and sexy Sam Rockwell this is going to be good!!
So its not poncho weather anymore so lets embrace the season of ice.
Winter's top five 5 Time to catch up on all those television shows you missed in the summer Swing town anyone? 4.collaging 3. Obama is president starting after the new year. 2.Sweaters can be an extremely awesome. 1. The bears are taking a break see ya in the spring!